Common Injuries in Nursing Home Abuse Cases

Personal Injury Lawyer

Discovering that your loved one has been abused at a nursing home can be a difficult experience. When you find a nursing home that is meant to be a new home for your elderly loved one, you can expect them to provide a high quality of care. As a nursing home abuse lawyer like one from David & Philpot, P.L. can explain, there are important physical signs to watch out for if you suspect that your loved one could be a victim of abuse. 

Pressure Sores

Pressure sores, or bedsores, are one of the common injuries that victims of nursing home abuse may have. When staff members do not regularly move a patient, they can develop these sores, caused when the victim’s skin rubs against the bed, resulting in painful sores. Another danger associated with pressure sores is the risk of the patient developing an infection, which could be life-threatening. 


Nursing home abuse victims tend to have bruises on their wrists, body, or legs. Taking care of elderly patients can be a taxing job for staff members, which can lead to tension between them. A staff member may become impatient with nursing home residents and strike them if they are being uncooperative or struggle to move. However, there is no excuse for any caregiver or staff member to become physically abusive with a patient no matter how difficult they may be.

Fractures or Broken Bones

Patients who experience abuse at the hands of a staff member at a nursing home may have fractures or broken bones due to falls when trying to get out of their bed or chair. If they are not being supervised properly or do not receive timely assistance, a patient may try to move around themselves, putting themselves at risk of suffering an injury. 


Nursing home abuse victims often experience malnutrition because they are not being fed properly or given water. This can result in dehydration or the development of illnesses due to a lack of nutrients. Patients who are malnourished are more vulnerable to experiencing a decline in their health, developing symptoms such as weak bones or weight loss. 

It can be devastating to learn that your elderly loved one has gone through abuse. A nursing home abuse lawyer can provide you urgent legal help if you believe that your loved one has suffered abuse. They can inform you of your next steps so that you can file a claim against the nursing home facility. Schedule a consultation for more information about receiving legal assistance from a trusted and experienced nursing home abuse lawyer. 


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